

How to Cite
Echeverri Guzmán, A. (2021). One Council, Two Popes, Three Patriarchs: The Last Belated Ecumenical Endeavor Between East and West. Revista Guillermo De Ockham, 19(2), 339–354. https://doi.org/10.21500/22563202.5288 (Original work published August 31, 2021)
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The ecumenical determination that joins the Christian churches together today warrants a revision of the projects that have been promoted  along those lines through the centuries that followed the separation of the Western and Eastern churches. The Council of Basel-Ferrara-Florence-Rome, in the mid-15th century, is a milestone in this ecclesial itinerary. Encouraged by Rome and Constantinople, the surviving religious and political capitals of the Western and Eastern empires, which are now considered to be  ecumenical by the former but not by the latter, make part of those attempts. Included as an achievement, albeit a short-term one, its effective influence on the union of the two ecclesial communities has been  lost in the twists and turns of history. The aim of the article will be to unravel its current significance for the Christian ecumenical cause by means of an historical-hermeneutical approach that examines the intersecting political and religious interests.



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